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Liberian Beekeeper Transforms His Village with Lessons from Universal Outreach Beekeeping Team
Jerry sharing his beekeeping knowledge In the lush forests of Liberia, where nature hums with life, one man's journey from student to...

A Journey of Hope: How Scholarship Support Transforms Lives
Bendu wakes to the familiar rhythm of her mother’s sweeping, the sound of the soft, steady motion fills their small home.

The Dawn of Opportunity in Sass Town
Cracking coconuts to access the meat. At 5 a.m., before the sun even considers rising over Sass Town, the first fire is lit. Thick smoke...

Introducing the Universal Outreach Loan Program
UOF's Loan Program helps grow small businesses in Liberia.

Building Businesses From the Bottom Up
UOF helps entrepreneurs from start to finish. For us, development is not just a box-ticking exercise - it's about building lasting change.
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