Universal Outreach Legacy Fund
Let's work together to leave a legacy
Over the past 20 years, the Universal Outreach Community has collectively made significant positive changes in this world and we've created the Universal Outreach legacy fund to ensure these changes continue in the years and generations to come.
UOF diligently strives to make every dollar count and the development of the legacy fund will go a long way in maintaining the high standard of accountability, transparency and effectiveness that UOF has become known for.
How Planned Giving Works
Caring donors donate to the Universal Outreach Legacy Fund and a tax receipt is issued. The funds are invested by a professional financial manager under the direction of the Universal Outreach Investment Policy supported by a UOF donor investment committee.
The principle raised will remain in the fund and the interest will be directed to Universal Outreach projects. UOF will utilize the fund income based on a set budget for that year and any excess interest will be invested back into the fund.
The UOF Planned Giving Legacy Fund will focus on a sustainable rate of return while also being aware of the importance of environmental, social and the governance structures of the investments being made, creating a balanced investment fund that promotes a better world for all.
Ways to give to the Legacy Fund
A one-time lump-sum donation
A pledge to donate a set amount each year
Through your will. Add a codicil to your will to ensure you will always be there for the needs of the people you have been helping through UOF over the years. Learn more here.
A donation of stocks, bonds, real estate insurance policy, annuity or any other asset of value.
The Bubbs family, our board and co-workers are fully committed in every way to the future of our collective effort and meaningful work. Now more than ever we need to come together as a cohesive group and continue to make the positive changes we want to see in the world. Please join us in this effort —the time to be the change is now.
Wills and Codicils
At Universal Outreach we realize the sensitivity of discussing Wills and Codicils. Our goal is to provide you with the tools you need to make an informed decision that provides you with options and is a simple task to perform.
The charitable bequest in your Will can provide a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a gift of the residue, which consists of whatever remains in your Estate after gifts to your loved ones and all expenses have been paid.
Charitable giving through your estate can result in significant tax savings while ensuring the financial security of your family and providing a generous gift for your community, but most importantly, it’s a statement of the legacy you want to leave behind for generations to come.
Below is a sample codicil and some options for phrases that can be written directly into your Will. We have also included some pertinent information regarding Universal Outreach Foundation to include in your decision.
The Codicil
To avoid the expense of having a new Will drawn up, minor alterations can be made to an existing Will by means of a codicil. A codicil is an amending document that changes or deletes an existing provision or adds an entirely new one. Codicils are signed and witnessed in the same way as your will. Attached is an example of a codicil.
Sample wording for a residual gift in your Will:
“I give to Universal Outreach Foundation currently of #601, 2108 Argyle Ave, West Vancouver, BC, Canada, V7V 1A4, charitable registration #762721918 RR0001 all (or ______%) of the residue of my estate, to be used at the discretion of the organization.”
Sample wording for a specific gift in your Will:
"I give to Universal Outreach Foundation currently of #601, 2108 Argyle Ave, West Vancouver, BC, Canada, V7V 1A4, charitable registration #762721918 RR0001, the sum of $______ to be used at the discretion of the organization.”
To learn more about the Universal Outreach Legacy fund
email kentbubbs@universaloutreachfoundation.org or call 604-922-0495.